Coding Projects

My Github Profile
Hackerrank Profile
Code Wars Profile

Capstone Project

Using React.js and Firebase, more info on the project page in my Github.


Wordle Solver

FizzBuzz Function

The function fizzBuzz goes through numbers one through positive number n 
and prints Fizz if a number is divisible by value1.  It prints Buzz if 
divisible by value2. It prints FizzBuzz if divisible by both value1 and value2. 

function fizzBuzz(value1, value2, n){
  for(let i = 1; i <= n; i++){
    console.log(((i%value1===0 ? "Fizz" : "") + (i%value2===0 ? "Buzz" : "") || i))

Python Projects/Packages

Excel discount transaction

Video Game Sales data exploration in Jupyter

Machine learning in Jupyter using scikit-learn

Browsing data from this website
